Hi and help! I have a duck egg that externally pipped on day 25. Unfortunately this egg was cracked during the incubation and it has got this far having used candle wax on the area, which also happens to be the air cell end.
Hi im incubating mallard eggs and two have cracked the egg but havent broken through yet. Its day 28 and they cracked yesterday. Its been 24hr.s with absolutley no progress. I can hear them inside. Im worried i may have had the humidity too high. Im so worried. Should i wait another day and see if theres progress? Or possibly help make a full pip hole in the egg for them and let them try the rest on their own?
Harlequin Rip 8 Crack 21
I have call eggs just beginning to hatch after 35 days! I thought i had lost them and i did lose most of them but 6 still have movement and last night tiny cracks. Its been 12 hrs now no change and i thought something was wrong. What does lockdown mean? I want to candle them again to make sure what i have are still alive but im too nervous to open the incubator now.
Oh boy. Yellow liquid (probably yolk?), as far as I know, never drops from an egg that is ready to hatch, because they have absorbed it all before they hatch (which is at about 28 days). Try smelling the egg. Rotting eggs often crack.
Hi! My sister has a duck hatching today. It was pretty busy early on this morning and cracked the egg. Momma went back to sitting on it. It got so far as its beak out, but now is doing nothing. This is her first one and she is afraid it is dead. Thoughts on assisting? Do they rest intermittently? I know you said they need to acclimate, but is beak out and no movement normal? Thanks!
I saw a crack in one of my eggs on Thursday. Later that day it was more visible and like I could see part of the duck. Goo was draining out of the egg. It is now Saturday and there have been no changes at all. I would think I could see something movement since I feel i can see part of the duck. Should we help it?!?!?!
As it was only a crack and no further progress, I waited close to 36 hours and decided to carefully perform C-Section. Found one leg wrapped over top of head, so I think it would have struggled to get out and membrane was drying out.
Hi how can you tell if the blood vessels are dried enough so its ok to break the membrane? am hatching duck eggs its day 28 today (wed) and one cracked the shell Monday night. very active and chirping and hole in shell has got bigger but not membrane. the small area of membrane is brown. have broken some little bits of shell and rest of membrane is white and dry. still chirping and active but coming up to 48hrs? wondering what else to do
Where are the other cracks in the shell? Are they in a straight line? Normally, when zipping, the duck will crack the shell in a straight line, turning in the egg slowly, until it has cracked almost the entire circumference of the shell. Then the top falls off and the duckling slips out. This video shows what zipping looks like: =RZzc0XTcjbw
Hi, so this is my first time incubating eggs, and am currently on the piping stage but I am concerned on how big the pip should be, as mine has a tiny little crack but not a full hole and should I be concerned
We totally feel your pain on this one John. After spending countless hours stripping old paint and replastering cracked walls, we selected a less expensive brand of paint in a flat finish for our intricate harlequin paint treatment in our downstairs hallway. (Seen in the link below.) 2ff7e9595c